The Web Gives Back - How You Can Make Money Or Be Recognized By Making Charity Donations
With the recent success of the smash phenomena, American Idols, Idol Gives Back, many people and companies are looking for ways to give back to their communities or the world through charity donations they find dear to their heart. This article will show how you now can get the same recognition that Ford, Coca Cola and At&t did but only donating as little as $15 per month.Here is how you or your company can be recognized by donating to charities and get recognized for doing so.
Step 1
Go to (this new and fast growing website is known as the Donate 2.0 of web)
Step 2
If you are a business with a website, signup for the business donation account. You will choose from over 100 plus charities to donate to.
Step 3
Choose your keywords for your website and directory category.
Step 4
Sit back and relax. You will start getting name recognition and quality traffic to your website while bettering the world
There are some added bonuses for donating soon to . You will become a part of a donation community, the goal of the worlds largest donor list (think of the million dollar page, but better) and have search engine traffic that we all yearn for.
This article was written by David Olmstead. David Olmstead has a passion for charity donations and wants the world to contribute more to charities while getting recognized for doing so.
David Olmstead writes about Charity Donations. His main focus is how donating to a charity organization can be a useful tool to advertise. He runs the website on Charity donation where people and businesses get recognized by donating to 100+ charities. Businesses get recognized with search engine traffic and being on the Worlds Largest Donor list. People get recognized at the donating social networking site.
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